Zuhause> Blog> Trolley-type heating furnace replacement furnace tube operation

Trolley-type heating furnace replacement furnace tube operation

August 31, 2022
A trolley heater replaces the furnace tube and the old tube must be removed. If it is a bent elbow connected with the furnace tube, when replacing the furnace tube, the furnace tube is firstly excised with an oxygen-acetylene flame outside the return bend. When removing the inner elbow, the mechanical method should be adopted. If the pipe is connected with the trolley heating furnace, the pipe is bent when the pipe is replaced, and oxygen is cut outside the sharp bending pipe. When the material of the furnace pipe and the sharp bending pipe is alloy steel, mechanical cutting is preferred.
When the trolley heater partially replaces the furnace tube, the burned part is cut off from both ends and a new tube is replaced in the middle. When replacing the entire furnace tube, cut the tube section from outside the elbow and fix the groove. The furnace tube is threaded into the top elbow box cover plate. The upper and lower welds are welded well. After inspection, the guide tube and the tube are Hook installed.
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