Zuhause> Blog> Shouqin 1 Blast Furnace "Water-cooled Hanging Pipe" Instead of Cooling Wall Technology

Shouqin 1 Blast Furnace "Water-cooled Hanging Pipe" Instead of Cooling Wall Technology

August 29, 2022

After the operation of Shouqin No. 1 blast furnace for many years, due to the uneven smelting temperature in the furnace, various parts of the stave have been damaged. In order to update the stave in a short period of time so that the blast furnace can operate normally, Shouqin organized the research group. The research group went deep into the site and carefully examined the survey, and consulted relevant data in light of actual conditions to discuss the issue.

After continuous investigation and verification, it was finally determined that in the repair construction of No. 1 BF in Shouqin, the “cooling pipe” was used instead of the cooling wall technology to solve the problems of the long construction time, high cost, and low work efficiency existing in the traditional construction method. . After the actual construction application, the cooling intensity and effect have satisfied the requirements of the blast furnace, shortened the construction schedule, reduced the construction cost, improved the work efficiency, and changed the basic form of the cooling facility. The successful application of new technologies has saved inspection time and reduced construction costs. The construction period is 0.5 days ahead of schedule and it can produce approximately 1,320 tons of iron.

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Ms. Kong Ming Lan



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